Water gets into your cells through small channels with help from electrolytes. A dehydrated cell has an imbalance of electrolytes and fluid, not just a lack of water. If you drink too much water, you can dilute certain electrolytes and become dehydrated. Water is essential, but we don’t get hydrated just from water. When you’re not thirsty and force yourself to drink a lot of water, this can cause various issues, especially if you exercise. Other liquids like coffee, tea, soda, alcohol, and fruit juice can deplete your electrolytes and cause you to become dehydrated. Sports drinks may also cause more weight gain than soda. Even certain electrolyte powders contain a lot of sugar. A good principle is to drink when thirsty and not force yourself to drink too much. Getting all the electrolytes and avoiding things that can deplete them is also essential. Remember that if you’re prone to kidney stones, drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid with electrolytes daily.